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Love and marriage (pt.3)

How do you know who is the right one for your son or daughter? You cannot tell it exactly. Trust in the Lord, He will give it all for you. Parents are the best advisers for their children. They know who they are. They know their strengths and weaknesses. Parents are always there their children. They are God's blessed authorities. What if they're not on the right path? Seek first God. Trust Him. Absolutely, God will change and renew them.

If you have too many suitors, how do you know whom to marry? You won't see which one is approved by God. If you have made your choice or if you're holding on to someone, you will not see who is the one. "You will find the one that is for you, if you stop chasing someone who is not meant for you. You are being shortsighted like a dove if you are in love. Open your eyes. Marry someone who loves and follows Jesus Christ. Surely, if that person loves Christ, he or she will love you also. If you fell in love to 3 women, how could you decide whom to marry? It is better for you not to see those 3 women.

What if you're secretive? What if you chose to stay with your friend who is an opportunist, instead listening to your parent's advice? Well, it goes into a big trouble. Satan uses many traps which in a man's eye looks pleasing. The Bible tells that we should obey and listen to our parents. It may result into a devastation of one's life then leading to a very unhappy life. If you're in this situation, ask and seek for God's help. Reconcile with your parents. Allow God to fix it. Trust Him and remove all bitterness. For nothing is impossible with Him.

So, what should you look for in a mate. First, if you're young, let me tell you this: Marriage is for men and women, not for girls and boys. Going back, the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 5:11 that he or She must be a proven follower of Christ and a true disciple of Christ. Why is this important?
If you're a man, how ready are you to become her husband? The Scripture tells us in Ephesians 5:25-27 that a husband must commit to love, disciple, esteem, forgive, accept her. If you're not willing to do those stuff, you are not ready.
If you're a woman, how prepared are you to become his wife? Again, this is taken from Ephesians 5:25-27. It tells us that you must submit to him and respect him.
 Let JESUS take the stirring wheel over your life.

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