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The Enemy: Satan

In their original states, all things were created by God wonderfully and perfectly. But how of a sudden did everything changed? We're gonna talk about Lucifer. Find out your spiritual enemy.

Spiritual Warfare

Welcome! How's your day? We'll be talking about a battle within you. Let's get this started. Prepare your hearts and ask God to give you revelation and protect you. This is a very serious topic all of us should know and be aware of.


In what color would you describe your week?  Having problems in your life lately? Let us listen to His voice and His words. Do not solve your own problems without asking for His help. It would be a foolish thing to do if we do not submit and surrender our problems to our all-knowing God. Despite all unfavorable situations and problems in your life, why not thank the Lord?

Have a time of prayer

Prayer. It is your key to a personal relationship with God. He is interested in every word you that we all say. He delights when we, His children are talking to Him. The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing. Prayer will never get boring because if we are in His presence, it is a very powerful experience that all of us would want, only God can satisfy our desires, not even the world can satisfy it. Prayer is just like we’re talking to God. The only moment prayer can get boring and tiresome if it lacks love and commitment.

Love and marriage (pt.3)

How do you know who is the right one for your son or daughter? You cannot tell it exactly. Trust in the Lord, He will give it all for you. Parents are the best advisers for their children. They know who they are. They know their strengths and weaknesses. Parents are always there their children. They are God's blessed authorities. What if they're not on the right path? Seek first God. Trust Him. Absolutely, God will change and renew them.

Love and marriage (pt. 2)

Have you ever felt no one is attracted to you? Are you confused whether you should stay single or marry? Well if you feel nobody is attracted to you, it is either you would marry or not.

Love and marriage (pt.1)

"Women of Jerusalem, promise me by the gazelles and wild deer, don't awaken love, don't arouse love, until it desires." Songs of Solomon 2:7.

God's Faithfulness

These are words of encouragements about God's love towards us. The more we know Him, the more we seek Him, the more we realize that God is good.

Will of God

It is so great if we depend on the Holy Ghost on His guidance. We need to put on in mind that God doesn't make mistakes. He is like a Father. He wants what is best for His children. He is very much willing to be involved in your life and He is willing to guide you.